
eXpectations of the Human Being

this morning I was not feelin' my P90X workout >Legs &Back< edition. mostly because I was sore from yesterday's Yoga X and completely exhausted from working for 10 hours last night at a nonstop busy restaurant.... a month ago when I started the journey of the X I expected to complete the workout specified for that day of the week without hesitation. yet this morning, i hesitated. I sat there in front of the little TV in my workout gear trying to come up with one terrific excuse why i shouldn't push play. sure, i came up with a lot of GOOD excuses but not a terrific one. So i got myself as pumped up as Tony is all the dang time and completed over 120 pull ups, 25 different leg exercises ranging from wall sits to calf lunges and a bonus ab ripper x workout and guess what? i feel TERRIFIC! a little light headed but thats nothing some 'very cherry' yogurt won't fix...
we need more people like me in this world....  yeah i said it! like me. too many individuals go through their days expecting less of themselves than they should. then when they fail to meet their self put expectations that makes them even more of a wuss. they come up with way too many GOOD excuses that cloud their vision of their one true desire, dream or goal. whether that desire is to have a rockin' body or that dream is to own their own art studio or their goal is to simply get through the day without losing hope. whatever it is, set it higher. push yourself beyond your limits you have set for yourself. 
"Limits? Mandy, I have no limits, I can touch the sky higher than you can" 
okay hot shot then why aren't you? i see you.
i'm already reaching for the sky, not just claiming that i can. well actually I'm claiming I can too but the point is we need more challenge in this world, challenge from ourselves to ourselves. challenge yourself to exceed your ordinary goals and to meet your extraordinary desires. there is nothing wrong with that, let me say that again: there is nothing wrong with that! nothing weird, nothing irresponsible, nothing naive, nothing stupid, nothing crazy, nothing ignorant, etc. about challenging yourself to exceed your goals, desires, dreams or whatever you may have. my question to you hesitaters is 'what is the point of having any type of goal if  you don't reach it in order to create another stinkin' one?'
i would like an answer if you can think of a GOOD one... :)
challenge me today
challenge me tomorrow
forever i will stay
never will i borrow
the strength i use to say
yours is the sorrow
of that long day
lost cuz you are bizzaro


Family Affairs

oooooohhh Christmas time...the Holidays...this time of year...when our dear Savior was born >wait a minute wasn't Jesus Christ born in the Spring?< eh I'll get back to that issue later. For now I want to address the issue of family get togethers. How is this an issue? In some families it isn't, to the rest of the world it is. A lot of individuals don't even have any family left to become fat and happy with, lucky them. Some sort of alcohol is usually involved(because thats the only way to get through these gatherings in a sane demeanor). We know that isn't sparkling apple cider Aunt Peggy and Grandma we know that eggnogg ain't that good, it must be spiked. I have celebrated this past Thanksgiving and Christmas up in Oklahoma with my Boyfriend's family. I was very anxious considering I hadn't attended a big family celebration of the Holidays for over 5 years and the ones prior did not turn out very well...
Drama is all I have to say. Drama happens when you get a bunch of people who are related to each other by blood and marriage. Mother brother sister cousin nephew father aunt uncle niece uncle don't forget grandma grandpa and Great Grandparents if your fortunate. Opinions, negotiation and arguments sprout up all over the place...usually somewhere after the big meal and the awkward hellos. In my case, drama is the cause of my entire family being split apart for, lets see... 7 years now. Because where there is an issue, there are sides that need to be chosen, unfortunately everyone else chose one side(aunt uncle grandma grandpa sister cousin) and I was forced to choose the other side along with the drama and her 2nd husband.   
ehh tough break. life goes on. yet something I always wondered was how my life would have been if i had a close knit family and I was really good friends with my cousins and knew all my aunts and uncles. would  i have been able to move halfway across the country on my own to start a new life? would I have been so opinionated about 'living life to the fullest'? or would i have been content working 9 to 5 as long as i was close to home or would i have settled for the a$$hole boyfriend I met while at college who didnt treat me right but had a close knit family....
im so thankful for the holiday drama in my family, otherwise I wouldn't have been where I am now.
i'm independent, not so wise.
others say its quite a disguise
I used to long for the latter
now I'm yearning for the better
yesterday has never been gone
so tomorrow wont ever be long
wait a while, you'll see the future
dont wait too long, you'll be a loser


power trips and the simple words of life

Something I don't understand is why special requests made by you and me are completely ignored by those people. Are they 'just having a bad day' or tripping hard over some power they just encountered? Do they not like my hair or what about the style of my clothes? Maybe they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and they'll be better tomorrow. Well whatever it is, I'm sick of it. I'm encountering them today, not tomorrow. Today should be the happiest day of their life because they get to deal with me. It shouldn't be the worst day of my life because I have to deal with them and their power trip.
If I want paper bags for my groceries, give me all paper bags and not just one for the bag of chips while you put the milk and gatorade (and every other heavy grocery item) in the next 3 plastic bags. No (general manager of tanning salon) I do not want to buy the latest and greatest tanning lotion for my tanning package that you overpriced me on anyways. I understand there is a trainee standing next to you every time I come it but you must pay to use me as a guinea pig for training your new employees. If I request to have Sunday morning off, with a legit reason, every time the schedule request comes out since I had started working for your fine establishment(manager of workplace) then why do you never fail to schedule me for the Sunday morning shift and forget to schedule me the rest of the week??
I guess its the simple things in life that are more commonly being overlooked. 
Simple things being the words "no" "yes" "please" and "thank you". 
When I say no, that doesn't mean 'please overlook what I'm saying and think to yourself that I want to continue hearing your sales pitch'. 
When I say yes, that means 'don't assume that I am another tree hugging hippie that is okay with my plastic bags stretching and spilling my groceries out for everyone to see so that I can save a tree'. 
If I say please, that means I am politely asking you to schedule me on any other of the 13 shifts during the week than Sunday morning. 
There are over 40 employees to choose from that requested that day TO work, give them a chance for once will ya?
 and through all of this, If I don't say thank you then I am considered a rude and selfish individual. young and inconsiderate to all, rampaging through life with no direction.
if I don't thank these people for the sacrifices they have made and the troubles they have endured to get to where they are now then I am the one in the wrong. even though they have just ignored every polite request I have just made to them, and have gone through the trouble of ignoring their rude actions to stay civil in this uncivilized situation. 
even though they are wrong and i am right 
i am young and they are old
it is to early to win this fight
they can't just sit there and be told
just whose wrong and just whose right
its seems this statement tis too bold
so will continue this ageless fight.