
Buenos Noches: Feliz Anniversarios Por Las Hesters, Yeehaw!

As I feel around for the braille markings of F and J on the keyboard at 1:42 in the AM, my 2 month old husband lays in the twin bed next to the desk I am sitting at. My twin bed is behind me, far away from his. This is a great arrangement, really. Just a few minutes ago we were cuddling after we were out celebrating our 'anniversary'. What an accomplishment, I know. Please hold your congratulationment till the end...

We went to Cabo Cantina, a few blocks away from my work, to celebrate!!! There was this biznatch of a waittress there that said that Malibu rum was the same as well rum. Biznatch. Anyway, Why else go to cabo cantina at 11 at night? I can't think of anything other than.... to celebrate!!! We just got back and washed our faces and then snuggled for like.....28 seconds. Wahoo congrats to meeee!


I'm tipseeeee, yes. Legally, YES. But that doesn't mean I dont want some hoo-ham once in a while!!  I'm scantilly clad as I write this blog and I am not ashamed. Uh-shame-ED, ashamed.... He's fallin' asleep, probably is asleep already, as I write this and should be Uh shame ED.

Right, so whats the point AmandaLyn? My mother named me AmandaLyn because she thought the mandolin made a pretty noise, ain't she sweet, eh?

The point is, cuddle with your wife longer than 28 seconds on your anniversary. No matter what amount of commitment your celebrating. If you were doing kareoke at Cabo Cantina from 11 to 1, and you OWNED IT as a couple then give your wife more than a high five that night. Yes. More than a high five. LET ME REPEATETH a high five. A cinco malo??? eh who cares, just give more.

We've been watching a lot of Law and Order: SVU at night before we go to bed. Its been a wild ride, but not as wild as this crazy Kareoke Night put on by my man SHED! He even gave us his CD, I'm incredibly stoked to listen to it. It's sitting in my purse as we speak. He sounds like a real professional. I bet if he puts his versions of songs on the channel of youTube like Rebecca Black and the Beibs then he'd get real famous. Hmmmmm should I tell him? Maybe next week.

Nachos>Steak Fries) Malibu(Patron+Tequila Sunrise= Mandy Hester right Now.

Ashamed? No
Proud? Yes
Because I have beaten out Britney Spears and many other women on their Marriages of less than 2 months.

go me.
we'll see.
how far
i will flee.
from this madness,
my name's Candace.
how's your's spelled?
I think FAB-NESS!!

I'm Thirsty.


Itching For Their Daily Dosage

I've noticed that blogs are more of a substitute diary for some, a form of electronic escape if you will. Ways for strangers (other than the government) to monitor their every move. 

"I'm eating a salad right now, I like cucumbers on my salad but hate olives on my pizza, I have a heartshaped birthmark on my leg but its upside down so I don't like to wear shorts since people stare and it makes me uncomfortable..."


They not only share their daily habits but they let us into their noggin and tell us what it has to say about these habits. Journal writing addicts help the less fortunate ones who-keep-their-thoughts-in-their-brains discover the life they are missing out on: different views of the world, empathy, smiley emoticons, developing countries that can be helped by wearing no shoes for a day. Some purposely change the pace of their own lives to create something interesting in the lives of the bland. Going above and beyond any expectations that have been placed upon them. Whether it be a friend or foe. Family or really distant relative that you have to call your family but you don't really know who they are. These dedicated bloggers break through the barriers set before them and create a world of honesty and loyalty that maybe some of them have never experienced. A safe place. A place to share feelings and words that they would never tell anyone in person, only the safe and secure blaring white screen in front of them. These kids bring life to the keyboard and wealth to the lives of others.

Oh you don't think so? You don't want to know about birthmarks and olives?
They are slaving away on their 11 year old laptop or fancy iPad to give you the latest happenings in their lives. To entertain you. To guide you. To love you. To prove to you that they are a person of importance and they have something to say, and oh do they. They'll say it too. They may not be shouting it from the rooftops or whispering it to their neighbors even. But you can bet their voice will be heard, even if its only coming from their head instead of their vocal chords.
Its the writing that counts. The creativity of what is within. Ripping through boundaries set long ago and creating new ways to navigate through life.
Electro-Trailblazers if  you will.

Here's to you my fellow Bloggers, 
the addicts that crave their daily dose.
Forget about all the joggers,
you have a place to be that's close.
Far away from all the loggers,
yet not too far, or your time is toast.