sharing and caring, thats what this short scribble from my mind is about. share more and care more people. good things come from both yet both are hard to do for most of us. it takes getting over yourself and your own selfishness to give to others what is 'rightfully yours'. you earned it! you did all the hard work! why should this bum get your generous donation of a dollar to buy a double cheeseburger at mickey deez? or why should you care that your friend is having a bad day. your day is friggin fabulous! you got a raise, someone hit on you that is actually slightly appealing to you, your boss gave you a high five..whatever made your day fabulous is worth more to you than the worries or hurts of this friend of yours that is temporarily down in the dumps. i say temporarily because your company or kind words can quickly get them out of the dumps and dancin' on the rooftops in no time.
it doesn't take much. yet for some it takes too much.
for those that it takes too much to stop and become selfless for 30 seconds it is because they are caught up in this world full of chaos. they are actually adding to the chaos by creating the tornadoes that are tearing everything down because they're heads are spinning so fast they don't know where they are going or who they are running over in the process of their daily lives. slow dowwn! i happen to like these few trees down here in Tejas and that cool building with the ball on top is nice too, lets keep that. take a look around, slowly. stop spinning and just swivel (on your fancy little desk chair with the wheels) from one side to the other. look at who is around you, who is close to you. take a moment to care. take a moment to share. share with them your love, your thoughts, your money, or most of all: your time. time is is all we've got in this world. everyone has time, but it is up to them to put it to good use. not just for themselves but for everyone around them.
time is precious
time is kind
time is luscious
time to rewind
time makes me nauseous
time to find
a cure for this sickness
from time to time
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