I don't appreciate these comments, nor will I ever invite them. I should punch your Mother's friend's nephew in the head for thinking such things. However, that would further certify that I am just a crazy. Runnin' around without any plans or worries. Inhibitions to the wind and irresponsible at best.
So I keep my cool when I am threatened with those nasty words full of jealousy and hate. Those words are jealous of my ability to chase my dreams and live a life the way I actually want to. A life that I will later look back on and say "Hey that was fun, lets do it again". I'm not a fan of procrastinating, not a fan of settling either. I don't settle for less and won't procrastinate until the timing seems right. Oh by the way, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret ///the timing is never right\\\ Nope, never. It is never okay with the world and it is never right to go after exactly what YOU ((WHY OH U)) want when you want. And not only do you necessarily want this(whatever that may be) you need this. This burning in your soul. This aching in your heart. This headache on your brain. It’s all the same. It’s the desire of who YOU are. Put inside of you by a very powerful Man for a very distinct reason. Now it is up to you to go against this CraZy world and do what you feel.
When? When you ask? As Soon As Possible. If you don't think it is possible in the near future, make it possible. Feng shui your life enough to at least start breathing again. Your letting the world and all its stupid rules suffocate you. Once you start breathing properly you may actually be able to throw off those fugly glasses the world made you wear and see clearly!
Anyways, enough about you...back to me and my label issue. wheerrre was I? ahah! (ahem) A word to you and your clan of haters who think I am crazy. "your crazy". yep, i think you are the noun definition of crazy. look it up.. or just scroll up a little bit >i typed it all out for your viewing pleasure. for you to pick apart with your crazy eyes and think about in your crazy minds. crazy crazy crazy! oh you think i've said crazy too much? well try hearing it as feedback from almost everyone you tell your plans for your life to. try being called a mentally deranged person more than a responsible young adult. tryyyy ittt! no? alright you don't have to, i know your scared. and thats okay.... i guess.
the bottom line is
theres something out there left to wander
it will pop and it will fizz
which will make you start to ponder
who's that kid and what a whizz
how in the world? what a shocker
who knew h'ed be checking off the list
and skip the ones who waited longer
Damn I love you.